Finding Royal Marines records

In 1855 the whole marine corps took the name Royal Marine Light Infantry
(Red Marines). In 1859 a separate Division of Royal Marine Artillery (Blue
Marines) was formed, but in 1923 the two merged to become the single corps
of Royal Marines.
they have email contacts on these sites
service records

also PRO at
has the following ADM files  (ADM means Admiralty)
  Records of Individuals
  Attestations 1790-1883 ADM157/1-139
  Description Books 1755-1884 ADM158/1-32
  General Weekly Returns 1755-1869 ADM183/42-98
  Discharge Books 1773-1884 ADM183/101-110
If you cannot get to their offices at Kew then professional researchers can
be employed - PRO did have suggestions on their pages